Friday, February 26, 2016

My sister, Heather Renae Ray, has taken my book

I was about to finish writing this out, but my sister, Heather Ray, took the book back to Logansport with her, as well as taking several other things of mine.  She also abused my daughter Aurora, bruising and straining her shoulder muscles.  Heather has thrown a pity party for herself because I had to take my daughter to the doctor for it, thus having to get a police and CPS report done as well on Heather.  She attacked my daughter while I was at work, so I did not see it.  All I know is what my daughter told me a week later:  She was on her Google + account and Heather demanded to see it, invading my daughter's privacy.  Aurora tried to shove Heather away, which led to Heather slapping Aurora in the face, on her legs, and on her back.  Aurora then tried to run outside, and Heather caught her up in a bear hug far too tight and hurting Aurora, so Aurora bit her to get her to release.  Heather then GRIPPED Aurora's shoulder so tight it left a deep bruise.  By the time I got home, Aurora was with her father, who witnessed the bruise, as did her step-mom and their friend Cecil.  They did not document it, but I wish they had.  Heather told me Aurora bit her unprovoked, and she "lightly hit" Aurora's shoulder to get her to release her bite.  This is reminiscent of when Heather attacked me in 2000 for daring to ask her to hand me an outfit for my daughter Tricia when she was a baby, from a plastic bin setting right next to Heather.  I committed the "grievous crime" of interrupting her TV show, so she turned and attacked me!  Well, having a young baby to protect, I gave as good as I got.  I called Mom from work to tell her what happened, but by the time I got home, Heather had flipped it, saying I attacked her, and getting us kicked out, making us flee Logansport to find shelter in Marion. So, yes, Heather has a history of shifting blame.  I also recently found out that our aunt has photos of bites on Heather-since I did not do that, I can only assume Heather did it to herself to make me look like a child abuser as she was only 16 at the time.  Heather does have a history of biting-she bit my son's father the first time I met him.  The most recent attack, her wrist was healed when I took her home, skin was not broken, mark almost gone.  When I mentioned the lasting damage to Aurora's shoulder, she threw a pity party for herself, claiming her wrist was swollen, infected, and numb from Aurora's bite, and she couldn't move it.  When I posted the picture of her wrist when it first happened, she suddenly backpedaled and claimed a spider bit her.

If Heather edits this online and claims it as her work, know it is not.  The Brittany Walker Chronicles are mine.  I will probably never see my work again, as she is now dead to me.  She threatened to take my house, my children, and my freedom from me for trying to make sure she got the help she needs for several issues she has:  hoarding, refusing to clean, physical, mental, and emotional abuse of others, stealing, lying, shifting blame to others for things she does, and a couple other things.  She accused me of not taking my medicine but sleeping till noon, but the problem with that is that I always made sure the kids got to school before taking my nap, and the exhaustion was medicine-induced, so she can't have it both ways.  She left a huge mess in the living room, and when I cleaned it up, I found a large amount of pills thrown on the floor-so she was actually the one not taking her medicine.  Those who accuse others falsely are usually guilty of the same.  She would yell at the kids and me to do chores, like this was HER house, but sit on her hiny all day and night on her computer and hog the PS3, which was actually meant for the kids, and not let them on it.  She would provoke the children to anger, not letting them be, especially when I told her to.  As a mother of 17 years with two autistic children and another with ODD/ADHD, I know when they need time to themselves.  I told her this over and over, but she chose to ignore me.  Instead, she accuses me of not parenting them, because I allowed them time to themselves, and respected their privacy.  Colossians says to not provoke your children to anger lest they be discouraged, but Heather purposely ignores that verse.  She also aggravated the animals to the point that they still won't let us pet them or come near us.

Heather continues to bring up things from the past that my ex-husband did to her, blaming me for it, however, when I bring up all the theft, lies, and unjust punishments I suffered because of her when we were children, until I became a teenage workaholic to stay away from home and away from her, it's "unfair."  She has threatened to sue me for what he did to her, so I threatened to counter-sue her.  She says at least a thousand from me, but for all the mental anguish, physical punishments, theft, etc., I expect I could probably win a lawsuit from her for over $100 grand.

Heather has made no bones about it that she is jealous of me for what I have.  She always has been and she always will be.  Every time I got something nice, whether I bought it or it was given to me, she would take it and when I tried to recover it, she would scream and cry to our parents until I was the one who was punished for her theft.  Today, she is jealous that I have been married when she never has,even though I am now divorced,  that I have three beautiful and wonderful children while she has none, that I have a house with no mortgage, that I have a job where she has none, and that I have two vehicles, while she has a bicycle.  This is why she is now threatening to take all I have, including my freedom.  I will burn this house down before I let her get it, and I will move my family so far away she never sees us again before I let her get her hands on the very children she abused.

So, as of today, I do not have a sister.  She is dead to me, and I will look at her tombstone by our parents as if she is there.  I will not subject my children to an abuser, especially one who is not remorseful about it and gives false apologies, then takes them back and begins threats again.


  1. Register your work with the US Copyright office. Last I knew it was free. Then you take her to court and get a judge to order her to give your property back. Should she fail then you sue her for the value of it-which you may or may not get but any judgement is better than no judgement at all. When she can't or doesn't pay have her arrested under a Bill Pay warrant (not sure what they are actually called). As for the electric bill-you should definitely file charges since you have proof. Fraud is Fraud. Sometimes the only way for people even those who are mentally ill to learn is to be met with a harsh consequence.

  2. Nikki, she has been court ordered to return my book, but she has refused. Karma has bitten her hard-she spent a month in mental health, then lost her apartment and everything she had, and had to go back into a group home. Who knows how long she will last there this time? She's already been evicted from two. This makes her fourth apartment too she has been evicted from.
